The distances are carefully measured with the path measuring tool in Google Earth. Where the roads and trails are hidden by trees, I used GPS recorded tracks as guide for the measurements.
The dots on the map mark main crossroads. In order to keep the map clean and simple, I used straight lines to mark the trails. Winding routes with many bends appear to be much shorter on this map than in reality.
Salut Mihai,
ReplyDeletenu ne cunoastem direct, poate doar cum ai spus si tu intr-un comment pe "in weekend intalnesti destui; e drept, cam aceleasi figuri…".
Multumesc pentru harta - e excelenta!
Numai bine si sa ne vedem pe poteci,
Stefan SAVU
Ma bucur ca harta e utila si altora. Mi-era teama sa nu fie prea schematica. Oricum, am mai adaugat cateva detalii pe parcurs... asta e versiunea 1.3...