- 173 running sessions
- Total distance: 2908 km
- Average running distance per session: 16.8 km
- Average running distance per week: 55.9 km
- Total running time: 347.5 hours
- Average running speed: 8.37 km/h
- Average pace: 7min10s / km
- 9 races, all in the mountains, including four full marathons (~42km)
So I almost had one running session every two days.
The total distance seems much, but it is not much more than the road distance from Bucharest to London. In any case, I ran 1400km more than in 2012, a quite impressive increase that shows that I became a better runner.
The average speed/pace looks quite low, but keep in mind that I run on mountain trails... probably one third of my running is uphill. I also often include break times in the total time.
I do not have a statistic for the total accumulated elevation gain during 2013. I would reckon that a conservative estimation would be 100,000 meters; that is 100km... more than 11 times climbing the Everest from the sea level to the top. Bucegi 7500 hobby race was the running tour with the highest elevation gain: 3500m.
During the year my preferences shifted towards longer runs at a more relaxed and natural pace. This is why, at this moment I do not feel very attracted to racing... I do not plan many races in 2014. Probably just 2 or 3 marathons.
I also did quite a few hiking and ski touring trips and a few cycling ones during 2013. I did not include these in the statistics. I can add that I do a lot of walking around the city... I reckon I have walked through the city at least 1800 km in 2013...
So that was my running 2013 in numbers... See you next year.
So that was my running 2013 in numbers... See you next year.
Have a great 2014!